Only in French - Multi-Unit Forum #3
in partnership with Progressium
For the 3rd year in a row, Progressium and Franchise Expo Paris partner to organize the Multi-Unit Forum, an event dedicated to multi-unit franchise in France, where brands are able to introduce their concept in front of French multi-unit franchisees, who are looking for new business opportunities.
On invitation only.
More information coming soon.

(In French) Take a look at the 2023 blue book: What make a good franchisor?
This blue book is the result of the work of multi-unit franchisees during The Lab, conducting during the 2nd edition of the Multi-Unit Forum, in partnership with Progressium.
These brands participated in 2023
2nd edition key figures: March, 21st 2023
lab & blue book
French multi-unit franchisees
Why should yoou choose multi-unit or pluri-unit franchise?
Are you interested in participating?
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